Volunteer with Planned Acts of Kindness & The One Planet One People Movement.
The More You Do, The Greater Your Rewards. Be The Hero.

The problems of the world — from divisiveness to climate change, pollution, and pandemics — are not going to be solved until we change our mindset and our behaviors. We have to recognize that we have One Planet and One People on this planet and start working together on solving these issues.
The consequences are if we don’t start collaborating, the world — and our Quality of Life — is going to be tremendously different for billions of us. And not in good way.
Planned Acts of Kindness has many ways for you to get engaged no matter where you’re from in the world or your age, race, nationality, religion, gender, health, education or income.
Here are just a small sampling of the programs you can do, yourself, or you can bring to a larger group where the program can work from the top down to reach dozens, hundreds, thousands or more.
If you’re involved with, or you know others that are involved with Schools, Churches/Temples, Non-Profit Orgs/Non-Governmental Orgs, Government Agencies or Businesses at any size, please reach out to them ask them to contact us.
The main point here is that you care enough to take action. Nothing is going to change for the better until we have enough people working together to turn the tide in our flavor.
So Be the Hero to yourself, your friends, your family, and your future. The Time to Act is Now!
Thank you
Lyle Benjamin
Planned Acts of Kindness
Learn more about us
Planned Acts of Kindness is a Global Social Responsibility Platform that works with five groups of people — students, employees, owners, retirees and the unemployed — in collaboration with five groups — schools, churches/temples, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, government agencies and businesses — to provide education and action plans to help solve global issues and provide better Quality of Life for all.

One Planet One People Clubs can be established by anyone in schools and communities anywhere around the world. The mission of the club is to enhance people’s Quality of Life through the application of Planned Acts of Kindness and 16 Things’ programs. People start or join a club and then based on their interests participate in outreach and engagement programs designed to inspire others to take action for benefit of themselves, others and the planet. The goal is to have clubs in schools and communities in every country on the planet. And club activities help connect people, and build stronger relationships and communities, locally and globally.

16 Things’ Special Edition books are designed to educate people and have them take action on serious issues that we face in our lives. Each book presents 16 problems on a particular topic, how we normally handle the problem, and then what the experts say what we need to do, and why we need to do, to help solve that problem.
The books are expert reference books that also form the basis for “One Planet One People” Workshops where people get together over 8-12 weeks, read out loud from the book and then have a discussion group that talks over the issues and action plans. The workshops are peer-to-peer support groups that anyone who has the book is free to set up.

Planned Acts and 16 Things are developing a series of courses designed to enhance people’s health, happiness, and well-being. Courses will be available online or through instructor training and will have several certification levels in each course. One Planet One People Quality of Life Course Series (4-Courses): Civility, Social Responsibility, Volunteerism, and Global Citizenship. Foundation Life Skills Series (8-Courses): Communication, business, marketing, management, office technology, research, problem-solving, and time management. Financial Literacy and Planning Money Matters Mastery Course Series (6-Courses). Educators in all countries are needed.

In order for our organizations to reach the objectives of having millions of people participate worldwide, we have developed numerous additional programs to support our engagement, education, inspiration and action mission: 2020 - The Kindness Civility Pledge; Kindness Shared Stories; World Video Map; The Year of World Kindness; 100 PSAs in 100 days; 20 Crazy Ambitious Things I Can Do.
But even more importantly, we partner with other organizations to help them achieve their objectives through our programs: Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility; Custom Benefit Programs; Be The Hero: Leadership, Recognition & Rewards; Customized Branded Books; Sponsorships. Lastly, whenever possible webring other organization’s programs into the fold so we can help support their mission as well as our own.

Events are another way for us to achieve our mission through outreach, engagement, education, inspiration and action.Throughout the year we participate in a wide variety of events held by other organizations including the United Nations; Universities; Religious organizations; NPOs/NGOs; Government Agencies and Businesses.
As we grow, we will hold Summits and events around the world in collaboration With governments, NGOs/NPO’s and companies in order to educate and inspire people around the world. Each year, events and summits are connected to a predominant theme: 2020 The Year of World Kindness; 2021 The Year of the Youth. The goal is to have an ever-increasing number of events, held around the world held on the grassroots level, that help inspire people to action. Locally, nationally and globally: One Planet – One People.

Because people enjoy engaging in different ways, combining education and entertainment through games is a wonderful way to connect large numbers of people to our education in action missions. The digital game “One Planet One People: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race”(Summer 2020) connects people to all 190+ countries through videos and database. Choose the countries you represent, then work to form teams and coalitions with other members of the Karma Club. Everyone who plays the game is working together to learn more about the consequences and solutions to stopping the Tipping Points on these global issues: Climate Change, Pollution, Overpopulation, Pandemics, Terrorism and War. But as you discover, there are factions with their own agendas: Pro Capitas; Pro Techies; Pro Trekkies and Pro Earthers. Can you unite the world to save humanity in time?